Monthly Traffic: 2K to 4K.
Wordpress (PHP, MYSQL), HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript (jQuery, JSON, JSON-LD, AJAX), MicroData.
API Integration:
Twilio, Trustpilot, MailChimp, Google Maps, Slack.
This site is built on Wordpress using a custom theme starting from underscores theme (bare starter theme).
NOTE: The design of this site was not done by me, but a colleague of mine.
Some of the Front End development was done by junior web developers on my team in conjunction with myself. The Back End development was done by myself.
Click on the radio station logos to hear the radio ads
Jimmy Barrett on 740 Houston
Roula of Roula & Ryan on 104.1 Houston
Rod Ryan of The Rod Ryan Show on 94.5 Houston
Lance Zierlein on 97.5 Houston
Matt Thomas on 790 Houston
The ability to provide instant home insurance quotes allowed me to create digital media capaigns for Radio and TV.
Texting a keyword such as “MONEY”, “HOME”, “SAVE”, etc to a Twilio purchased short code 232323 would kick off an automated bot I created that would generate insurnace leads.
If users did NOT reply back to the initial Automatic Reply from the system requesting an address, their mobile numbers would go into a custom SMS drip campaign that would text the user at various times attempting to engage the user (15 minutes later, the next day at 9am, then 3 days later).
Zip codes in “high value” areas would be selected by management, I would then generate instant quotes (from a script that utilized the same code for calculating insurance quotes) for all home addresses in those zip codes.
Quotes that met a “high value” were then selected to be printed out and mailed to the address in a TGSI marketing package.
Any address that was captured online in which the user did NOT send their information (email or phone) would get recorded in a custom database.
Reports would be run weekly to see if these addresses met our criteria for “high value”. If the criteria was met then the instant insurance quote was printed and sent in a TGSI marketing folder that included the quote, a welcome letter, and other marketing materials about TGSI. This would then be mailed out the address.
All email addresses captured were automatically synced up to a “Online leads” Mailchimp list. When a sale was finalized the email would be removed from the list. This would leave only email addresses who did not purchase.
Using this list I set up an automated drip campaign that would email the users different emails at various times (next day, week later, 2 weeks later) with the instant quote in an effort to get the user engaged and purchase the policy.